Dear beautiful you..
How was your January?… Did you make any intentions for the New Year? Mine was to move more slowly and simply. I held a beautiful Intention Setting workshop mid January that was really heartfelt and so well attended - thank you for coming. It really is a passion of mine to work with the wheel of nature through the year.. It was such a wonderful way to bring in the New Year
We have now moved into Imbolc today - the very beginning of spring. The Sun is showing its face to us and it feels so beautiful to feel that golden glow again - don’t you agree.
There is a hopefulness, a sense of anticipation, at Imbolc. The days are beginning to get a little longer. Your spirit can begin to feel spring is on the horizon. What knew life will it bring with it by by
This week we reach the midpoint of winter, marked by the cross-quarter day of Imbolc. Traditionally, Imbolc begins at sundown on February 1st & continues through February 2nd.
Imbolc is an ancient Celtic holiday celebrating the very first stirrings of new life–the earliest breaths of spring. Even though there may still be snow on the ground where you are, even if it’s freezing cold outside, we are beginning to feel the very earliest hints of spring rising in our spirits.
After months of turning inward, of hibernation & of rest, life is beginning to stir again.
Spiritually, this is a time of new life coming into manifestation. We may only be seeing the tiniest hints of life above the surface but things are really beginning to stir in the darkness.
remember to take sweet, gentle care of yourself right now.💖
Nurture yourself, nurture your spirit. Just rest. We are still, (still!!), in the season of deep, deep rest. It is still winter. This is still your most important work
Imbolc shows us the necessity of inward work, of heading into our own inner worlds and finding the fertility within there. It shows us that the wild will within all, always comes back, strengthened renewed and full of rewilding, beauty, softness, strength and rebellion.
Spring is just around the corner so let’s celebrate…
There is still Time to book on my workshop this coming Saturday
Cacao and Vision boarding workshop.
THIS SATURDAY - there are still spaces for this
Sunday 4 Feb - 12 - 2 pm, Endeavour House, 228 Union st, Torquay
£25.00 (£15 unemployed /concessions)
On 4 th February from 12 pm - 2 pm we welcome in Imbolc - the first stirrings of Spring with a creative workshop - Cacao and Visionboarding workshop.
At Imbolc, the irrepressible creativity of Nature is stirring. What is waking up inside of you at this time and wishing to be expressed? What is new within you and waiting to be brought out into the light?
Many studies show that creativity is good for your health and a great way of relaxing. Yoga and meditation practice can enhance your creativity, by allowing you to access your subconscious mind, which in turn unlocks a treasure trove of creative potential.
Let’s spark some joy! Starting with an Imbolc guided meditation, breathing techniques, sound healing, journelling and then creating our visions in a vision board mandala with heart medicine cacao and homemade treats.
Vision boards are an amazing tool to help you create that focused vision and kickstart the real manifestation process.
We’ll have sacred cacao and homemade treats too - a beautiful afternoon of vision and fun.
I will also be holding an Imbolc inspired yoga class at 10 am to 11 am on the same day for only £8.
Blossom Into Spring yoga workshop
Saturday 30 th March
10.30 am - 1.30 pm
Marldon village hall
£35 (£25 unemployed/concessions)
There is such a feeling of hope in Spring.
Join me for a 3 hour mini-retreat to move us into Spring. As we transition from Winter to Spring we can witness the light change, the buds bloom and begin to feel the temperature changing. Transitions are not always easy but are an integral and necessary part of our learning and growth. Coming together for this mini-retreat, we can emerge from Winter and move towards the light once again. Let us move, breathe, meditate, contemplate intention setting and ritual. Open to all levels.
The long winter months can often leave us feeling tired and lethargic, and in need of a little extra TLC.
This workshop is an opportunity for you to take some time out, give yourself permission to truly relax and rest, and to recharge your batteries.
Expect - beautiful yoga sequences, a little yin, guided relaxation, meditation, sound healing, journelling and a circle of intention - with a little tea, cake and connection before we leave.
Please book directly on my website…it will be beautiful.
Also, please remember if you haven't been to any of my yoga classes, your first class is free. I've attached the flyer and there's even an online donation zoom class that you can access from the comfort of your own home.
Book your spaces directly on my website below.
Blessings and love
I am also available for beautiful bespoke holistic treatments which are tailored , especially for your unique needs. Your senses are ignited, your soul is soothed, and your body and mind is nourished.
Watch this space as some classes will be going outside from March - There’s nothing more invigorating than practising yoga in the great outdoors, receiving pure, Prana.
Breathe, love, laugh, be kind + be grateful
Blessings Nina x