Dear beautiful you.. And just like that December was here...
The turning of the wheel continues and another year comes to completion. It feels like it has become freezing overnight and I have to say it makes me want to jump on a plane and fly to sunnier climes but Ines adores the run up to Christmas and the magic of it all. I always feel slightly uncomfortable with the whole Xmas craziness but when you have children you roll with it as best you can hey!!! As the year comes to a close i contemplate how i have changed, evolved, grown. How lucky I am to do what I love and have a loving family close by. How are you feeling as this year comes to a close and what are you grateful for? My practice draws me back into this very present moment right here, right now and im doing more then ok, I have a lovely home, family, food, nature, YOGA and i am thankful for this precious life. Yoga is all about seeing clearly AND taking skilful action. It is about being steadfast, courageous and responsive. I have been so lucky to study with teachers that really inspire me - I have been coming more into my heart, softening, and transitioning through my menopause which hasn’t been easy. Life is such a journey hey… I love these words from Brigitte McNeill - her words speak to me so deeply. ‘Winter time is no longer celebrated as it once was, with the understanding that this is a period of descent and rest, of going within our homes, within ourselves and taking in all that we have been through, all that has passed in this full year which is coming to a close... like nature and the animal kingdom around us, this time of hibernation is so necessary for our tired limbs, our burdened minds. Our modern culture teaches avoidance at a max at this time; alcohol, lights, shopping, overworking, over spending, comfort food and consumerism. And yet the natural tug to go inwards as nearly all creatures are doing is strong and the weather so bitter that people are left feeling that winter is hard, because for those of us without burning fires and big festive families, it can be lonely and isolating. Whereas in actual fact winter is kind, she points us in her quiet soft way towards our inner self, towards this annual time of peace and reflection, embracing the darkness and forgiving, accepting and lovingly saying goodbye the past year. "Winter takes away the distractions, the buzz, and presents us with the perfect time to rest and withdraw into a womb like love, bringing fire & light to our hearth". .. and then, just around the corner the new year will begin again, and like a seed planted deep in the earth, we will all rise with renewed energy once again to dance in the sunlight. I will be heading to London to visit friends and see the lights which Ines adores - this year we’re visiting Hampton Court to ice skate and I’m so excited to be going to Avesbury to celebrate the Winter Solstice with my soul family and having a private circle with the Chief Druid of the land - This day is like my Xmas Day. Classes become quiet in December so my last class will be on Monday 12 th December. I will be holding my 2023 Start your year with intention workshop on Sunday 8 th January at Marldon Village Hall which is a wonderful workshop to delve deep into moving forward with focus and clarity. See the flyer below. Start 2023 with a mindful yoga practice that will help you release 2022 with gratitude and step into 2023 with unending possibilities. Align your mind, body and soul with intetion as you embrace the new year.
You will be given a special journal to work from to help reflect on the last year and plan the next one which helps to design a wonderful year ahead. You will be dreaming. Planning and preparing yo get the most out of your new year.
See flyer for details. Book now as places are limited via the website - link below, its an incredible way to start the new year.
Regular Classes start back up on January 5 th ready for the year ahead. Expect yummy essential oils diffusing, candlelight and lovely yoga playlists. Regular practice makes Winter easier. Starting 2023 with yoga is the best medicine. Every class is themed and never the same. I’ve been so busy with treatments these last few months. Treating loved ones to a massage is the perfect gift. If you are looking for Christmas gifts I offer Christmas Gift cards for all my treatments . Touch is so important for our well-being - I ignite all the senses with oils, candles, music, sound bowels. It’s a ritual of self love - please come dear ones - you are so welcome. Massages, hot stone, reiki, reflexology and incredible holistic facials available. I also have beautiful bespoke antique silk kimonos and jackets, jewellery, Jaipur hand printed scarves that make incredible table cloths or yummy neck scarves, beautiful warm shawls and crystals from India for sale for Christmas gifts - please get in touch as I have photo albums that I can send you to view - they make incredible gifts for Christmas and are original pieces so you won’t see anyone else with them. Each is piece is unique. I have included a picture for you to feel the nurture by nina Indian vibe. Please make an appointment and come and have a chai and browse at your leisure. Thank you for being by my side through all of this...I hope you are all doing gentle on you.... For my Xmas gift this year - I would be so grateful if you would Google review me and leave a review it really helps small businesses gain a presence. I would be everything grateful if each one of you would do that x Im here if you need anything at all…. Let’s make our lives feel like living prayers. I love you dearly and I hold you all in love May our paths continue to connect…in 2023 and beyond With love and good wishes Nina x